Over de Gebrande Winning
De Gebrande Winning is the restaurant created from scratch in, November 2014, by chef Raf Sainte. He inherited his obsession for pure products and local ingredients from grandmother Simone. With shopping bag in hand, she traveled all over town looking for the meatiest ribs, the juiciest spit-roasted chicken, vegetables and fruits she grew herself. With it, she created the signature dishes that only a grandmother can conjure up on the table. This love for precision and products is also in Chef Raf Sainte's blood. With Grandma Simone's passion, he brings a cuisine inspired by the past, but detached from conventions or classic beliefs.
In 2020, Ratebeer awarded the restaurant the award of "Best Beer Restaurant in the World. An un-expected accolade that moved us and has motivated us to honor that title ever since. Week after week, the chef's culinary passion and creativity are combined with the special beer cellar to sur-prise guests with original dishes and surprising pairings often with an unexpected twist.